tonight´s action movie was reality t.v.--just minus the t.v...
all the action began a little after 10:30 pm, after our last constultant had left our place after tonight´s meeting. it all began with the chilling sound of glass breaking. a sound that we had heard a little more than 2 weeks ago from our neighbors´ from across the street, the municiple office of our city.
tonight´s characters, in order of appearence:
tio chuy: police reporter
tio temo: fearless thug-chaser
beka/me: thug-spotter, information informant
police truck 1:gave us not so direct direct phone number, correctly predicted that thug would return
lawyer: works for municiple office
lawyer´s friend: motorcycle driver
lawyer´s brother: tragic tripper
tia dona: vet but acting as evening´s medical professional, see ¨tragic tripper¨ above
police truck 2:chauffered captured thug to police station
thug: the unfortunate main character of this evening´s adventure
so after i told you about how we heard the guy break the glass from the municipal building, to steal the birth certificates and marriage licenses (you know how valuable those things are!), tio temo trailed the guy by foot, past the farmacia de guadalajara until he lost him, and finally the police showed up!
we missed the guy but the policia supposedly gave us their direct number and told us that the guy would come back...
so a sandwich and some papaya later, we heard more glass break!
since tio chuy had called the lawyer that works across the street at the municipal building (thankfully, she had given tio chuy her business card as 2 weeks prior their office had been robbed), she and her brother arrived in a car, and their friend on a motorcycle, just after the guy was leaving. instinctively, tio temo hopped on the back of the motorcycle of their friend and the 2 attempted to follow the guy but lost him as the rest of us waited for the police to return to the scene.
tio temo and the motorcycle guy returned and the 6 of us waited and discussed how the police had let another guy get away as they took so long to return---then i saw a large shadow move by a nearby tree, no more than 40 yards away, but thinking it was my nerves i only mentioned it casually, until the shadow broke into a mad dash and 2 of the guys went after him and the other 2 hopped in the car and followed him leaving the female lawyer and me by ourselves in the dark, although secretly i was hoping that the thug would come back so i could actually use the self-defense moves i had learned in college! thanks ms. scribner...
finally 3 police trucks stormed by, one waved at me to notify us that they were on their way...shortly after, they returned, with the guy in handcuffs in the back of the truck. we took a look at the man, to verify if it was him and we were surprised to see a very ¨gringo¨ looking guy with bright green eyes and a mustache, just like an old-western villain. he was still wearing his not so helpful disguise of a wide-rimmed beach hat and was squirming from being detained. he also showed visible signs of being on some illegal substance.
thankfully, through all this drama, no one was seriously injured, except for the lawyer´s brother that got scraped up badly from a big trip he took when his sister yelled out to him to ¨be careful¨ as he was chasing the thug by foot...tia dona was on medical duty, and we assured him not to worry as she was a vet! :)
i´m happy to report the happy ending:
tonight´s experience with the police redeemed my attitude toward them and i´m happy to say that this guy that they caught won´t be getting out any time soon. he dropped his grocery bag with what random object james bond would carry (including the keys he had used to try and break in-nice job with carrying the evidence!), but this time they didn´t help him successfully get whatever he wanted to get from the office. maybe he´s trying to nullify a mistake of a wedding from this past weekend but it looks like he´ll be having a rough night on a cement floor instead.
1 comment:
Go Tio Temo!!!
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